News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
Winsun is the world's first 3D printed office building

In 2016, the government of dubai contacted wintek and became the first to follow suit, requesting wintek to print a set of offices for it.

Mohammed, vice President and prime minister of the united Arab emirates and ruler of dubai

Personally unveiled the 3D printing office of winsun

August the world's first 3 d printing offices in dubai, the 3 d printing office building covers an area of 250 square meters, the whole project took 19 days, as a "museum of the future" dubai office headquarters in use, become the well-known landscape science and technology innovation, the vice President and prime minister in the united Arab emirates, dubai's sheik Mohammed himself for it.

Test site of dubai office building wall

Test site of dubai office building wall

Winsun 3D printing office was subjected to strict safety and robustness tests by dubai construction experts. The span of the office is 9.6 meters, and there is no pillar support in the middle. After 28T load bearing test, there are few cracks, and its solid strength is 5 times that of traditional buildings.

Test site of dubai office building wall

At the same time, the prototype of the dubai government office building 3D printed by winsun also passed the rigorous test of its robustness by the Shanghai institute of building science.

Wall test site of dubai office

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