News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
It is Chinese that first achieve to print house with 3D technology

On December 18, 2016, President Ma was invited to attend “ 2016 Fudan university innovation and entrepreneurship summit forum” and gave a speech as a distinguished guest. 

With the them of “ 3D printing architecture technology’s disruptive innovation to China traditional construction”, president Ma explained to the participants from company's entrepreneurial history, product technology system, 3D printing architecture's global commercial application and Winsun’s challenge and opportunities. "The first 3D printing technology in the world to print a house is the Chinese people!” On the spot, many guest said they hoped to cooperate with Winsun.

Forum Introdution 

China has entered an important stage in which consumption demand continues to grow, consumption structure accelerates, and consumption plays a significant role in economic growth. There is a huge development potential and space in the traditional consumption quality upgrading, booming emerging consumption as the main content of new spending, and of the related industrial development, scientific and technological innovation, the construction of infrastructure and public services in the areas of new investment in new supply. It is also a rare opportunity for enterprises.

With the theme of “ new consume, new leading, new supply and new energy”, Fudan university entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship investment research center initiated the 2016 fudan university innovation and entrepreneurship entrepreneurship summit forum, invite representative of business and scholars, conduct in-depth exchange and discussion on enterprise strategic opportunities and business model innovation in the context of the era of consumption upgrading and look forward to the development trend of new consumption during the 13th five-year plan period. 

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