News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
National Real Estate Chamber of Commerce inspected Winsun

On February 16, 2017, there are 12 leaders inspect Winsun Suzhou factory, including Niu Zhonglin, secretary of National Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, Ma Zhonghui, vice president of Shanghai League of National Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, Sun Lin, director of Fuyang Anhui government, Wang Xingang, vice secretary of economic development zone, Lianyun port, Jiangsu, and Wang Xueming, director general of investment, Tonghai County, Yunnan. The vice president of Winsun Liu Wenmin introduce 3D printing technology and products to them in detail and the market application of 3D printing construction technology and government cooperation project, as well as the broad market prospect.

The investigation team gave a high evaluation of Winsun 3D printing construction technology. At the meeting, Secretary Wang introduced the location of lianyungang, which is the site of the fruit mountain. As a beautiful port city, it will be able to reach anywhere in the world in the future. Director general Wang shares county's natural resources, aiming to create the only Mongolian town in the world. The investigation team, president Ma and vice president Liu  discussed the application of 3D printing technology in the real estate construction industry and the promotion of the local government to create featured towns and urban renewal. The two sides discussed the issues of common concern and put forward the measures to further promote cooperation with the company. 

In the end, the investigation team invited president Ma to inspect Anhui Fuyang, Lianyungang and Tonghai County, Yunnan and start the cooperation as soon as possible.

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