News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
【Public News】 China 3D printing technology opens the journey of “The Belt and Road”

It is reported by Public News on May 18th (Reporter: Xia Wei), on the annual meeting of Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd (hereinafter “Yingchuang”), which first develop 3D printing architecture and successfully achieve to apply in business, that Yingchuang said that they would response the policy of “The Belt and Road” proposed by nation and join hands with global resources to create a global 3D printing architecture alliance to achieve the global 3D printing architecture customization.

Ma Yihe, president of Yingchuang, signs a contract with Yasser Bin Khedya, Dubai president of YBK

Ma Yihe, president of Yingchuang, said in an interview that Yingchuang has formed a joint venture with Dubai YBK group and will support a series of projects for the Dubai 2020 world expo in future. March this year, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia's king salman bin abdul aziz al agri Saudi during his state visit to China, witnessed that Yingchuang signed a memorandum of cooperation with Saudi Almobty construction group. Saudi Arabia will work with Yingchuang to build a 3D printing construction project of not less than 30 million square meters, renting 100 units of the printing and building equipment of 3D printing. In Ma’s view, the One Belt And One Road journey of Yingchuang has been officially opened. Our cooperation with the Dubai government is the first project of One Belt And One Road. Today, many of our industry partners from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Pakistan have come to discuss cooperation. Of course, we are not alone. We will stand in the world stage with central enterprises and state-owned enterprises.

On 18th conference, Zhao Baige, members of the standing committee of the National People's Congress and vice-chairmen of the foreign affairs committee, Chairman of the expert committee on the project of Landi international think tank, Chinese academy of social sciences, said that Yingchuang 3D printing architecture can support the creation of intelligent building industry economy, internet platform economy and green ecological economy worldwide, and can contribute to the construction of One Belt And One Road countries. The technology has achieved the goal of energy conservation, environmental protection, resource regeneration and environmental improvement, which can provide support to the One Belt And One Road countries of green construction. For more, This technology can be used to construct the One Belt And One Road country in an efficient way by the advantages such as quick forming, low construction cost and light nature of structure.

In order to be able to share the technological achievements of innovation on One Belt And One Road worldwide, Yingchuang has announced that a network interaction platform, “Ant”, comes to the market, with the core of 3D printing architecture, integrated with advanced manufacturing, new materials, digital information software. It is reported that the ants will achieve the national and regional scope of One Belt And One Road, which will be the link of 3D printing construction industry, and carry out cross-industry and cross-regional resource integration. “Ant” Will gradually break the both sides of supply and demand information asymmetry, and gradually build up to the user personalized, diversified demand as the guidance to achieve industrial complementary advantages, and the win-win cooperation of the open 3D printing construction industry ecology circle. Finally, the vision of global sharing of 3D printing architecture is realized.

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