News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
Zhongxin Yingchuang 3D printing public toilet is a scenic spot with unified interior design and architectural style

3D printing public toilet in Da Yangshan  

Recently , many people are curious about a news that 3D printing public toilet is changed to scenic spot. In the scenic area of the great Yangshan botanical garden in the high-tech zone of Suzhou, the sudden appearance of a complex architectural complex with a lot of design and modern sense has aroused great

interest among tourists. As they approached, visitors saw the images of men and women on the wall and realized that it was a public toilet. The reporters got to know that this is the first toilet in the world to use 3D printing technology.

There are parallel "ripples" on the outside wall of the toilet, which is the mark of 3D printing. The toilet has a simple feel compared to the well-painted exterior walls of buildings. The hues inside the toilet are mainly wood and green, the buildings are surrounded by abstract ginkgo leaf sculpture, giving people a fresh and natural feeling.

According to person in charge of Grand Yangshan, the toilet's biggest bright spot is that construction techniques, such as construction waste and mine tailings as raw material, through technical processing, processing and separation, to make back into the building construction waste, do no harm to human body, zero pollution and zero waste of resources to the environment. In construction, the use of 3D printing technology, not a steel bar, but can exceed the strength of concrete.         

In recent years, the national tourism administration has proposed that "tourism toilet revolution should be fully applied to new technologies and materials". Grand Yangshan, the standard of the 4A scenic spot, began to build a high-tech eco-toilet last year with Yingchuang Building Technique ( Shanghai ) Co.,Ltd, which is the first high-tech enterprise that grasp 3D printing technology. 

In design, the toilet is divided into three separate buildings, designed to be fun, like a small box scattered in the woods; In terms of functions, the basic facilities such as men's and women's toilets, disabled toilets and third toilets are fully equipped, and the mother and baby rooms and rest areas are equipped with reasonable human design. The interior design of toilet is unified with the architectural style of Grand Yangshan green forest, use green and wood color as main element, give a person with pure and fresh feeling.

In design, the toilet is divided into three separate buildings, designed to be fun, like a small box scattered in the woods; In terms of functions, the basic facilities such as men's and women's toilets, disabled toilets and third toilets are fully equipped, and the mother and baby rooms and rest areas are equipped with reasonable human design. The interior design of toilet is unified with the architectural style of Grand Yangshan green forest, use green and wood color as main element, give a person with pure and fresh feeling.

The person in charge of forest garden said: The toilet not only shows the combination of tourism and science and technology of Grand Yang mountain, but also embodies the brand concept of "a forest and a life".

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