News-Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun)
Teachers and students of Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University visits Yingchuang 3D printing architecture

China railway construction (01186 HK) announced a ZhongTieJian bridge engineering company for RMB 318 million (the same below) the winning Dinin to settle south (Ganyue bounded) highway Dinin to fully confident period of A6, year to date the company has five standard, even in the total amount of 1.221 billion yuan.

At the same time, the construction task of 344 line Qingshi mouth to Jingyuan section of the Ningxia autonomous region was marked with a price tag of about 154.8 million.

In addition, the company signed with eight units and science and technology business and technology contracts, among them, the twenty fourth China railway construction group will create a joint venture company of science and technology, capital and technology as a link "mixed ownership" strategic alliance to take up 3D printing construction technology market.

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